Christmas Creeps is a podcast in which FRC writer Joseph Wade and his co-hosts crack wise about holiday movies and specials in search of the “True Meaning of Christmas”. They do this all year round for some reason. For more episodes, visit ChristmasCreeps.com
It’s a new year, and even though the holidays are officially over, Christmas Creeps soldiers onward! This week, Joe & Co. tackle one of the strangest movies to appear on Netflix recently: The Bigfoot “comedy” Pottersville! This is a movie that stars The Shape of Water‘s Michael Shannon as a man who reacts to his wife’s furry-based infidelity by getting blackout drunk, donning a gorilla costume, and traipsing around town. This ignites a Bigfoot frenzy in the town and soon twists itself into a sad, unfunny parody of Jaws, as Tom Lennon, Ian McShane and Ron Perlman march into the woods to capture Bigfoot.
Also, there’s a Christmas movie buried underneath all of this. Yeah we know, we can’t really figure it out either. But we have a lot of fun trying along the way! Anyway, click below to give it a listen!